Research Fellow
CNRS@Create Ltd. · June 2023 – Present
Privacy-preserving machine learning and data mining.
PhD Program
Télécom Paris · November 2019 – June 2023
Optimizing, creating and applying secure multiparty computation protocols to machine learning algorithms in order to keep the training data private.
The PhD program benefited from the financial support of the Labex Digicosme as part of the Scilex axe.
Research intern
CNRS@Create Ltd. · August 2022 – November 2022
Conceptualize and implement secure protocols for preserving privacy in the data analysis Truth-finding algorithms.
Research intern
INRIA Saclay · March 2019 – August 2019
Exploring the mathematical tools that optimize the communication cost in secure multiparty computation protocols, like hyper-invertible matrices for example. The matrices allow players to generate uniformly random field elements while tolerating a number of corrupted players in an efficient manner.